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Your thermal storage solution for heat pumps

Smart - Economical - Eco-responsible

Focus on efficiency.

We make your heat pump flexible and intelligent

3x less

Reduce the amounts of starts and stops your heat pump effectuates in a day, lengthening its lifespan.


Cut your heat pump's energy bill


Increase your self-production and reduce your prosumer tax.

Our mission


No energy transition without storage

Scientific reports are unanimous: storage is essential to support renewable energies.

Storing heat is more efficient and environmentally friendly than storing electricity. That's why Destore has come up with a low-tech, circular and ... Belgian 🇧🇪 solution.

Discover Destore

Analyse my electricty bill

How can I reduce my energy costs?

Energy bills are becoming increasingly complex. The Destore experts are here to help you understand and find solutions.

​​Cut My Electricty Bill

Control Box

Add a brain to your heat pump

The Control Box's intelligent control allows you to make the most of your installation.

It optimises your energy system on the basis of the output of your photovoltaic panels, the outside temperature and energy prices..

The Destore app lets you keep an eye on your consumption in real time.

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Destore Battery

Store your energy surplus 

The end of the backwards turning meter means that you need to add some type of storage to take full advantage of your photovoltaic panels. 

Destore's storage makes your heat pump more flexible and increases your energy autonomy.

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Innovative, ecological and circular

Phase Change Materials

- The surplus electricity from the sun ☀️ is converted into heat by your heat pump.

- This heat is then stored in phase-change materials 🔋 and reused when you need it later.

- This prevents your heat pump from operating at unattractive times (💰 and ♻️).

Why Destore ?

An innovative Belgian product 

The Destore project is supported by the Wallonia region for its innovative and circular nature.

Sustainable, recyclable and circular

No Lithium, Cobalt or other rare metals in the Destore battery. Instead, we have eco-design and recyclable materials. 

Locally produced 

Destore products are assembled in Belgian sheltered workshops.

Relieves the power grid 

Storage allows the electricity network to be relieved and balanced during peaks in consumption. 

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