Upgrade your heat pump

Today's heat pumps are set as they were in the 2000s. The Control Box makes your heat pump intelligent and aware of its environment. 

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We present to you, the Control Box

A concentrate of intelligence for your heat pump.

Compatible with all brands

Connected to the heat pump and the meter

All heat pumps with Smart-Grid functions are compatible (often the case if they are less than 4 years old). 

The Control Box connects to the internet to retrieve weather and solar predictions. This enables us to optimise your system precisely. 

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Longer lifespan 

The Control Box operates your heat pump intelligently, limiting the number of starts and stops per day. This minimises wear and tear and extends the pump's lifespan. 


Reduce your bills

By harnessing solar energy instantly, you minimise your dependence on the traditional electricity grid at peak times. 

The result? A lower energy bill and a reduced ecological footprint.


Améliorez votre comfort

Améliorez les performances de votre pompe à chaleur, assurant un confort thermique optimal dans votre maison.  



Real-time preview

Performance monitoring means you always have a clear overview of your consumption at hand, so there are no unwanted surprises.


Intelligent system control

High-performance regulation is essential if you want to make the most of cheap photovoltaic electricity and increase self-consumption. The Control Box will enable you to use the electricity you need, when you need it, avoiding any wastage.


Smart remote control

Our app gives you direct access to your energy network at the touch of a button.

Consume at the right time!

Without the Control Box

With the Control Box


1.  Photovoltaic panels

The ☀️ supplies ⚡ renewable energy to the heat pump thanks to the photovoltaic panels.

2. A heat pump

The heat pump converts renewable electricity into heat. This heat will be stored in the Destore 🔋.

3. A smart meter

It informs the battery of the surplus ⚡ available. So we won't be consuming unnecessary ⚡. 


Check the compatibility of my heat pump

Recent heat pumps (less than 3-4 years old) are compatible. If in doubt, send us your exact heat pump model.

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A picture of the sticker on your heat pump can very likely help us.


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